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Farpoint Bahtinov Mask Accessory10136
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6 Hour Mars Animation 2014Buzzing like the Beehive ClusterNGC 457/Owl Cluster-One of my favourite Star ClusterLDN 1217-first trial on a dark NebulaeM45,Jewels in the skyThe Rosette Nebula  with Idas NbzRosette Nebula HaRGBGear - Celestron 9.25 SCT with OSCM57 Ring Nebula - 1st processed photo with the RC8Mizar and AlcorTrifid in HaRGBRosette Nebula with Astronomik L2Sadr/IC1318Sculptor Galaxy and NGC 288C-2022 E3 ZTF January 19thMirach and it's ghost galaxy NGC 404M81/82 OSC Filter CombinationLagoon and Trifid Sneak PeekJellyfish Nebula/IC443Brocchi's Cluster/Collinder 399 aka Coathanger AsterismM42 Orion Nebula #19 - new Antlia SII & H-beta filter!Widefield Southern Pinwheel GalaxySadr's GlareM81/82 with GHS StretchM42 With BlurXterminatorAlbireo Double Star SystemPolaris With Bit of DustNGC 663 Open Star ClusterLagoon and TrifidM101 with Supernova 2023 IXFM81/82M31 Idas Nbz-Optolong L Pro CombinationMelotte 15, Heart of the Heart NebulaNorth American  and  Pelican Nebula MosaicNGC 884 & NGC 869IC 443/Jellyfish NebulaThe Trifid Nebula   M20Orion 135mm WFOVJupiter animation GRS w/Europa + shadowJupiter animation Io and EuropaM100 with CeresReady for tonight-02/04/2023M81/82 with Idas Nbz FilterJupiter w/GRS March 2015M101 with Supernova 2023IXFThor’s Helmet NGC2359The Dumbbell Nebula, Messier 27The Cigar Galaxy, M82M24 The Sagittarius Star CloudOrion Nebula Short Exposure