
Startrails and Clouds in the city @ Stadthafen Stade Jul 31, 2022 306 views5184×34569.09 MB
Startrails and Clouds in the city @ Stadthafen Stade
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That was the last task of the old lady (Canon EOS 7D) once more startrails. Now the old 7D from 2008 is retiring.
I had to stop down a lot, otherwise the foreground would have been pretty burned out.
I left her by the window half the night. The viewing direction was north-northwest.
The Hanseatic city of Stade (Low German Stood) is the district seat of the district of the same name in Lower Saxony and an independent municipality. The medium-sized town with around 47,611 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2020) is located on the south-western bank of the Lower Elbe, around 45 km west of Hamburg and around 60 km south-east of Cuxhaven, on the edge of the Old Country, and is part of the Hamburg metropolitan region. The Schwinge flows through the city area and flows into the Elbe about 4 km north-east of the city center near Stadersand. Stade was the seat of the former government district of Stade and is therefore still home to many central institutions in the Elbe-Weser triangle.
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Die Hansestadt Stade (niederdeutsch Stood) ist die Kreisstadt des gleichnamigen Landkreises in Niedersachsen und eine selbständige Gemeinde. Die Mittelstadt mit etwa 47.611 Einwohnern (Stand: 31. Dezember 2020) liegt am südwestlichen Ufer der Unterelbe, etwa 45 km westlich von Hamburg und etwa 60 km südöstlich von Cuxhaven, am Rande des Alten Landes, und gehört zur Metropolregion Hamburg. Durch das Stadtgebiet fließt die Schwinge, die etwa 4 km nordöstlich des Stadtzentrums bei Stadersand in die Elbe mündet. Stade war Sitz des früheren Regierungsbezirks Stade und beherbergt daher bis heute viele zentrale Institutionen des Elbe-Weser-Dreiecks.
Thanks for watching and stay healthy
I had to stop down a lot, otherwise the foreground would have been pretty burned out.
I left her by the window half the night. The viewing direction was north-northwest.
The Hanseatic city of Stade (Low German Stood) is the district seat of the district of the same name in Lower Saxony and an independent municipality. The medium-sized town with around 47,611 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2020) is located on the south-western bank of the Lower Elbe, around 45 km west of Hamburg and around 60 km south-east of Cuxhaven, on the edge of the Old Country, and is part of the Hamburg metropolitan region. The Schwinge flows through the city area and flows into the Elbe about 4 km north-east of the city center near Stadersand. Stade was the seat of the former government district of Stade and is therefore still home to many central institutions in the Elbe-Weser triangle.
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Die Hansestadt Stade (niederdeutsch Stood) ist die Kreisstadt des gleichnamigen Landkreises in Niedersachsen und eine selbständige Gemeinde. Die Mittelstadt mit etwa 47.611 Einwohnern (Stand: 31. Dezember 2020) liegt am südwestlichen Ufer der Unterelbe, etwa 45 km westlich von Hamburg und etwa 60 km südöstlich von Cuxhaven, am Rande des Alten Landes, und gehört zur Metropolregion Hamburg. Durch das Stadtgebiet fließt die Schwinge, die etwa 4 km nordöstlich des Stadtzentrums bei Stadersand in die Elbe mündet. Stade war Sitz des früheren Regierungsbezirks Stade und beherbergt daher bis heute viele zentrale Institutionen des Elbe-Weser-Dreiecks.
Thanks for watching and stay healthy
Revision: B
Published Aug 3, 2022, 2:08:48 PM
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