Lunar image test - BXT vs WaveSharp
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Backyard, Espoo, FI
A quick test due to RC BlurXterminator being talked so much. I wanted to see if it makes a difference in my rig's lunar imaging results. Disclaimer: This is not intended to be an exhaustive nor 100 % accurate comparison - I did this to see if my processing flow would benefit from BXT. And I do understand that BXT is not optimized for lunar/planetary/solar hydrogen alpha.
I took a raw stack from Autostakkert3!, did my own processing with WaveSharp and then compared the results with a raw stack processed with BXT and then trying to optimize a bit the BXT output with WaveSharp (although its a redundant process). I do not have PI or BXT so asked someone having these software to try BXT on my tiff.
Results are here:
- BXT process is not optimized, so I do not know how much more I could tweak my post processing using it
- At the moment it looks that my WaveSharp process flow is by no means worse than BXT - I'd assume that BXT process could be tweaked to produce more closer result to the "just WaveSharp" process.
Based on this, I am having a feeling that I'd not gain much from using BXT. Your mileage may vary, though.
I took a raw stack from Autostakkert3!, did my own processing with WaveSharp and then compared the results with a raw stack processed with BXT and then trying to optimize a bit the BXT output with WaveSharp (although its a redundant process). I do not have PI or BXT so asked someone having these software to try BXT on my tiff.
Results are here:
- BXT process is not optimized, so I do not know how much more I could tweak my post processing using it
- At the moment it looks that my WaveSharp process flow is by no means worse than BXT - I'd assume that BXT process could be tweaked to produce more closer result to the "just WaveSharp" process.
Based on this, I am having a feeling that I'd not gain much from using BXT. Your mileage may vary, though.
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