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Giovanni Benintende
Users 15
Images 129
Giovanni Benintende All Sky Plate Solver Software15129
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M81 DeepNGC 6823NGC7331M31 - a first LRGB processing workflow!The Double Cluster in Perseus!Dark nebula Barnard 150 Helix NebulaSh2-157 Lobster ClawCrescent and Soap Bubble nebulae in quasi-SHO + RGB stars!NGC 4038 / 4039 interacting galaxies 'Antennae'MBM54 molecular cloud and NGC 7497 galaxy in PegasusM33 from my backyard!IC 443 - the Jellyfish nebula - A first attempt from my backyard!Galaxy M33Comet 17/P HolmesGalaxy Trio in DracoNGC 253 'Sculptor Galaxy'Melotte 15 - The HeartFlame and Horsehead NebulaeThe Thor Helmets, NGC 2359The Bubble Nebula from home (narrow band + RGB stars)NGC 7023 'Iris Nebula'M17 'Swan Nebula' in SagittariusHelix Nebula through 80mm APOGalassia M101Sh2-155 Cave NebulaDark Nebula LDN1251The Soap Bubble Nebula from my backyard!Nebulosa M42 Ha+Lrgb bortle 9M42 Orion Nebula HalphaGreat Andromeda Galaxy M31Heart Nebula mosaicGalassia M66M42 HaRGBIC 1848 'Soul Nebula' in CassiopeiaBarnard 150 dark nebulaHorse and FlameTriangulum GalaxyThe Running ManMessier 20, Nebulosa TrifidaIC 1396 nebular complexM20 'Trifid Nebula' in SagittariusM20 & M21Nebulosa del cangrejo, Messier 1Galaxia espiral M51M16 Eagle NebulaHércules Cluster M13Sh2-136 nebula in CepheusEskimo NebulaOwl Nebula