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Revolution Imager
Users 1
Images 5
Revolution Imager R2 Camera15
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NGC 2392 - Nébuleuse du clown (version 2019)NGC 3718, Different PerspectiveDwarf planets, Makemake and OrcusNGC 4712 and NGC 4725NGC 4939 - a stunningly beautiful spiral in VirgoHeart & Soul IC1805 & IC1848Neptune & Triton le 09/01/2021Saturn: Towards a gradual closure of the ringsNGC 7223 and UGC 11927Grand Design Spiral Galaxies (above -40 dec)NGC 4939NGC 4725 & NGC 4712 (2023)Jupiter 2016 – Animation – WebcamBarred Spirals NGC 4725, & NGC 4747 and NGC 4712 in Coma BerenicesThe Moon – Bodie Lighthouse – JupiterNGC 488The Crab NebulaArp 159One atmospheric revolution on VenusThe Green Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)Io's shadow transiting Jupiter 9-4-2021 MDT12 years apartNGC 598The Whirpool Galaxy (M51)Supernova SN 2023ixf in the Pinwheel Galaxy (M101)A new vision of Mare HumboldtianumPraesepe & the variable star MP Cnc (circled upper left)Arp 110M97 and M108 fieldPacman Nebula (NGC 281)Venus cloud movement over 1.5 hours in UVThe Cocoon Nebula (IC 5146)The Horse Head Nebula in SHOThe Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888)M81NGC 7380 (The Wizard Nebula)Hercules Globular Cluster (M13)An exceptional librationThe Cocoon NebulaMessier 3Crab Nebula 7 year animationM1 Crab Nebula in HOOIC 5070 (Pelican Nebula)M1 - Crab NebulaWilliam Optics RedCat AutofocusVela Supernova RemnantM51, RGB + Halpha revisited before the nights get too shortSol - Getting Ready for EclipseQ0957+561 A/B next to NGC 3079 - a 8.7 billion lightyear deep view from my backyardM31 - Andromeda Galaxy