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New Moon Telescopes
Users 2
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New Moon Telescopes NMT 16" F/4 Telescope or lens23
Acquired with this brand
NEW DISCOVERY: Supernova remnant G107.5-5.2. — the Nereides nebula in CassiopeiaNEW DISCOVERY: Patchick-Strottner-Drechsler 9 - the TITAN NEBULAM31 - The Andromeda Galaxy with SDSO 1 [Oiii Emission Arc]NGC 1097 - a wonderful barred spiral in Fornax exhibiting multiple linear star streamsSH2-129 and OU4Undefined Object between NGC2362 and VdB96 - The Shield NebulaNGC 1532:  A Galaxy Pulled in Different DirectionsNGC 1365NGC 4435, 4438 The Eyes & friendsComet 2022 E3 (ZTF), 5th of JanuaryM31 - HALRGB (31mm filter test)Embers of an Ancient Super Nova:  Pickering's TriangleA deep look into the Cygnus RegionFrom Pleiades to California - A Dusty FieldThe Soap Bubble, PN G75.5+1.7 in SHO ...with a nice surpriseNGC 1300 A Beautiful Barred Spiral in EridanusSaison planétaire 2022/2023M16 - The Eagle NebulaComets C2022 E3 (ZTF) & C2022 U2 (ATLAS) in the Parisian skyCrater Endymion & Mare Humboldtianum on the 4th lunar dayVeil Nebula Complex: 6 telescopes; 2 years; and 4 countriesM16NGC 2403, A Beautiful Flocculent Galaxy in CamelopardalisThe Rosette (C49) in Narrowband Natural – First Light for William Optics FLT 91Caldwell 62 Galaxy in Ha LRGBFire, Ice, and Dust -  IC 405 - LRGBHSOM101 - The Dusty Galaxy and Blue SupernovaFrom Pleiades to California - A Dusty Field ReprocessedThe Vela SNRCraters Clavius, Longomotanus & Moretus on May 10, 2022Region of the Alps and Monte Caucasus on May 08, 2022Montes Apeninus & Cie on May 10, 2022M33 Retro-Collaboration with AndrewMessier 27 - NGC 6853 - Dumbbell Nebula (Full Format)Omega Centauri (NGC 5139) and CirrusOrion's Belt and SwordIC2177 The Seagull NebulaCraters Aristote, Eudoxe, Burg, Hercule, Atlas & Endymion on May 10, 2022A deep Triangulum galaxyA Narrowband Dive into the Core of the Tarantula NebulaM31- into the heart of AndromedaM106 - a collaboration with unexpected results in HALRGBNGC 6995 - HaOIIIComet C2022 E3 (ZTF) - January 6, 2023Pelican Head TurbulenceNGC7000 and a MeteorNGC 2371 - "Candy" NebulaThe Seahorse chasing the SquidBarnard 150, Seahorse in CepheusM3, A Fascinating Globular Cluster