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Achim Schaller
Users 47
Images 118
Achim Schaller Startrails Software47118
Acquired with this brand
Witch Head NebulaDusty TaurusVeil NebulaFrom Rose to Cone with SNR G206.9 +2.6 in bicolor with RGB starsNGC2244 - Rosette nebula in bicolorThe Great Orion NebulaMilkyway over White PocketM27 BicolorTotal Eclipse 2017, IdahoMilkyway above White PocketMilkyway over the Feldberg mountain in southern Black Forestleo tripletStartrailsStartrails over Corona archDawn at Colonnade Arc (aka 5 holes arch)Crescent and "Soap Bubble"Witches Broom in Ha with Speed-BoosterCrescent wide fieldSunspots, image processed with PigsInsight (LOL)International Space Station and the "golden handle"Startrails at the RiesenbühlturmTenerife StartrailsRegulus and Leo 1 dwarf galaxyStartrails @ Tower of an old millSupernova SN2022hrs lucky imaging versionComet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko passing by open cluster M35 and NGC 2158 on the morning of October 15thM31 and Pons-Brooks above FreiburgShooting starMilkyway above my observatorySh 2 - 132Elephant trunkMilkyway from "Summer Triangle" to Orion rising in the eastSupernova 2023ixf in M101Vieilles branchesM13Circumpolaire en BourgogneNorth America and Pelican nebulaEarthshine at Mt HochblauenA White Night OutOrion rising (short clip)Startrails and Clouds in the city @ Stadthafen StadeStartrailsSummer Solstice 20238 minutes in CygnusStartrails - NorthpoleMilkyway over the Feldberg mountain in southern Black Forest9 astronomers on a fieldStartrails above BorkSunspots 2022 04 21The Bubble,  open cluster M52 and  Nova V1405 in Cassiopeia