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Siril Team
Users 2045
Images 15716
Siril Team Siril Software198515274
Siril Team Sirilic Software88324
Acquired with this brand
NEW DISCOVERY:  the M31 [OIII] emission arc  ///  STROTTNER-DRECHSLER-SAINTY OBJECT 1M 101 - Pinwheel Galaxy. High resolution and deep field with C2PU T 1000.[TEAM OMICRON] Beyond Jones-Emberson 1 (PK 164+31.1) - Pure LRGB (no IR cut)[TEAM OMICRON] The Draco Trio - Very deep and high resolution with a super halo detectionThor's Lightning (SNR G150.3+4.5) with a new discovery MarSai Object 1[TEAM OMICRON] - NGC 5907 with the C2PU 1m Deltagraph - 56 hours, loop and tail.M 82 Starburst  - High resolution and deep extensions with 2 backyard newtonians.[TEAM OMICRON] The blue Supernova SN2023ixf in M101 - As if you were there (1m Deltagraph)M 51- High resolution and deep field with Newton 350M 100 with the C2PU 1m Deltagraph - Very deep and high resolution field ! Magnitude 26[TEAM OMICRON] LEO I dwarf galaxy like you've never seen it - completely resolved and without RegulusC4 Iris Nebula[TEAM OMICRON] - NGC 2841 - What can the Omicron 1M Deltagraph do in only 3h of RGB.IC 63 - The ghost rising in front of Gamma cassiopea - Ha RGBNGC 6543 - Two Newtonians for the Cat's eye nebula watching the mice galaxyThe Horse and the FlameM 76 with a 250 home made newtonian.SN G65.3+5.7 in CygnusTeam Omicron + G.Gruntz - High resolution and deep field on M51 GalaxyAbell 33 "Diamond ring" with C2PU 1m Deltagraph - RGB onlyNGC 6543 Cats eye - 2017 data reprocessed.M33 Triangulum galaxyM57 - Two Newtonians for high resolution and the outer Ha shellsM81 and M82 , more than 100 hours of exposureNGC 2392 - Nébuleuse du clown au T 1000.NGC 891 with ASI 294 MC ProM51[TEAM OMICRON] NGC 1931- Tribute to a 3 Arcmin "baby Orion nebula" - Pure LRGBM 51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy with C2PU T 1000NGC 4565 in Coma Berenices - high resolution and deep fieldM33M63 sunflower galaxyM 94 - ASI 294 MC Pro - Good seeing.C/2023 P1 NishimuraMission to C2PU observatory (2). NGC 7662 - mix of normal exposure with 100ms lucky imagingNébuleuse du crabe - Mix T 1000 / T 350M 74 - Phantom galaxy -  with a 14" Ritchey ChretienMission to C2PU observatory (3). NGC 891 - High resolution large deep field[TEAM OMICRON] - M13 Great globular cluster (1 meter Deltagraph)AndromedaAbell 39 - Faint transparent blue bubbleNGC 2392 - Nébuleuse du clown (version 2019)Melotte 15 SHOM104 - sombrero Galaxy - RGB with 1m C2PU scope. Only 30 degrees altitude.NGC 3628 "Hamburger" in LeoNGC 2903 - High resolution and deep field with the C2PU observatory 1m DeltagraphM 57 - Anneau en haute résolution (HR)NGC 7027 - Small atypical planetary Nebula in CygnusBarnard 33 - Horsehead Nebula with C2PU 1m Deltagraph - Pure LRGBIC434