Pixels 2040 x 2040
Pixel size n/a
Sensor size n/a
Full well capacity n/a
Read noise n/a
QE n/a
Frame rate n/a
ADC n/a
Color or mono n/a
Users 6
Images 8
Community notes
[url=]NIRCam[/url] [url=]imaging has two parallel modules[/url], each with a field of view of 2.2’x2.2’, and separated by a ~44” gap. Within each module, the light is split by a dichroic and sent to a short-wavelength (SW, 0.6-2.3 μm) and a long-wavelength (LW, 2.4-5 μm) channel. Each SW module is split into 4 separate detectors. In total, NIRCam images simultaneously with ten 2040x2040 detectors, for a total of more than 41 million pixels. The short-wavelength channel has a pixel scale of ~0.031", which Nyquist-samples a point source at 2 μm. The long-wavelength channel has a pixel scale of ~0.063". Each channel has a comprehensive selection of wide-, medium-, and narrow-band filters.