Doug Henderson (dougforpres) ASCOMSonyCameraDriver
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ASCOMSonyCameraDriver is an ASCOM driver that allows most Sony Cameras to be used by ASCOM software. This only works when the Sony camera is connected to the computer via cable, it is not built for the camera's wi-fi connection. This is a windows-only driver and it relies on Doug Henderson's SonyCamera dll. This ascom driver was tested with N.I.N.A and APT. Installation documentation, as well as various tips are available via links from the project's github page. One thing to keep in mind is that you may need to determine which gain value corresponds to which iso setting of the camera. For example on the Sony A7IV, ISO 400 corresponds to a gain of 10 in N.I.N.A. To find this out, connect your camera to the computer and choose "Remote Shoot (PC)" on the camera. Open a cmd window and run: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\ASCOM\Camera\SonyCameraInfo.exe" /i A list will appear that looks like this: Available ISO Values: 1 - AUTO (...) 2 - 50 3 - 64 [...] 11 - 400 Take the first number, subtract 1, and that is the gain that you can use in astrophotography software. In this example if you want to use ISO 400, you do 11 - 1 = 10. To double check, test this before you go out in the field. After you have acquired some images, look at the raw files from the camera and see what ISO they have.