Welsh Dragon Computing StellariumScope
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StellariumScope is a[b] FREE[/b] add-on that enables you to control your telescope with [url=http://www.stellarium.org/]Stellarium[/url]. The original StellariumScope program was designed and implemented by Scott of ByteArts [url=http://www.bytearts.com/]http://www.bytearts.com[/url].[b]Features[/b] [list] [*]Provides the interface between [url=http://www.stellarium.org/]Stellarium[/url] and the [url=http://ascom-standards.org/]ASCOM[/url] telescope drivers. [*]Provides the ability to both "Sync" and "Slew" the telescope. It's also possible to issue a stop/cancel command from Stellarium. [*]You can easily host Stellarium on one computer linked to another control computer that hosts the telescope driver. [/list] [img]https://cdn.astrobin.com/ckeditor-files/28834/2022/75cc82c6-aa98-40c9-b782-2187eae568ac.png[/img] The image above shows the interface and some of the options.  Use this application (as with all software that controls your mount) with supervision of your mount's movements.