Waxing Crescent Moon 32.8%

Waxing Crescent Moon 32.8% Jul 30, 2020 490 views4894×34375.84 MB

Waxing Crescent Moon 32.8%
Uwe Deutermann Jul 31, 2020
Taking advantage of any possible moment I see, now you have to go even to daytime hours LOLOL. Your new camera looks already great with this image!! Good to see you back here John!
John Travis Jul 31, 2020
LOL! I am getting desperate! The image before this one was a sunset with clouds! Clouds are all around me every day! Don't get me wrong I do like clouds but not every day and night! I am looking forward to a clear night not sure when that's going to happen though? LOL! It's a good thing I have made notes of my processing steps because I will need them if I ever process another deep sky image! 

I am really enjoying the camera and have lots to learn about taking photographs that's for sure. But, you have to start somewhere right?  One thing I like about the camera is that it gets me out and about. I have taken up trying to learn some landscape and woodlands photography and that's been a good thing to do as you get plenty of social distancing in! Which seems to be all the rave these days! LOL!

Good to hear from you Uwe! Hope you are doing well and staying safe! Clear skies too!
Van H. McComas Jul 31, 2020
Excellent work John, well done!
John Travis Jul 31, 2020
Thank you, Van! I have to give you credit as your work with DSLR's got me thinking about getting one myself. I finally took that step and I have certainly enjoyed it!  I really love the idea of a multi-purpose camera setup. Now I can dabble in star trails and Milky Way images along with getting out and doing some other photography when I can't image due to weather.  And the weather here lately has been not so great here in Alabama. Clouds and more clouds! LOL!

Clear skies!
Van H. McComas Jul 31, 2020
Thanks John for the comment. I feel your pain with the weather, unless I wanted to take pictures of clouds!  I do a lot of images of flowers (very close up) that I post on Facebook. Maybe one day I will get that scope and a astrophotography CCD camera, maybe.
John Travis Aug 1, 2020
That's funny that you mention taking pictures of clouds! I actually have😂 . Mostly out of just learning the ends and outs of photography. I did purchase some macro extension tubes for my lens so I can take really up-close photos of flowers or anything for that matter. You probably have a set of these already or even a macro lens. That's one thing I need to purchase in the future, more lens. A good long telephoto lens and maybe another wide-angle lens. As of now, I have a Sigma 24-70mm. Man, a good lens can cost more than a telescope! I guess the lense is a little more complex in many ways though...

As of now, I am taking pictures of lots of things. I guess most people do this when they first get a real camera. Practice, practice, practice! LOL! Learning composition is going to take me a while that's for sure! I find myself mostly leaning towards Woodlands, Landscapes, flowers and plants. Kinda gravitating towards woodlands more and more. As we have those in abundance where I live. 

As of now, I am not on FB. I do have a Flickr account and Instagram but don't have much on it yet. I need to get some experience under my belt first! LOL!

Well, let me stop rattling on here! LOL! Hope your weather improves Van and I look forward to more of your images! 

Clear Skies!