The Heart Nebula – Narrowband – Data by Robert Huerbsch Feb 16, 2018 349 views2075×14082.09 MB
The Heart Nebula – Narrowband – Data by Robert Huerbsch

Best processing yet Van.

Thanks Kurt. This is getting easy but I think gathering the data will be a large learning slope.

Beautiful image Van. That's what I'm looking for in an image of IC 1805.

90% of this was collection of the data by Robert, the processing, thought not as good with software such as PixInsight or Photoshop, is doing fine. In a few year when I get all the gear then the hard part comes, gathering the data. Hope you get Clear Skies soon.

Very nice image, Van! Hopefully skies will clear for both of us soon.

Even if I don't image I just want to see some stars again. I can't teach my granddaughter about Orion if we can't see it and it is prime season for him. Hope you get Clear Skies.

Great to be passing your star knowledge down to the grandkids!

Super work Van. Well done.

Thank you Niall, not bad with really great data. I am getting there

One of your best, Van. Well done.

Thanks Gary, great data helps.

Looking good Van! Keep on keeping at it! Lot's of clouds and rain here too! I forget what a blue sky even looks like! LOL!

Hi Van;
very nice images including this this one of the heart Nebula. I tried leaving like messages on a few of your other images over last few days. Unfortunately the site will not let me do that yet because I'm not at the 1 level yet? Thanks for liking some of my images too!
clear Skies!
very nice images including this this one of the heart Nebula. I tried leaving like messages on a few of your other images over last few days. Unfortunately the site will not let me do that yet because I'm not at the 1 level yet? Thanks for liking some of my images too!
clear Skies!

Thanks Jim. I look forward to more images from you.
Clear Skies.
Clear Skies.

Your welcome Van. And I'll try to keep the images coming. Lord knows I have all the necessary equipment. Lately I've been doing some Binocular observing with my 15x70 Celestron Bino's and that always a lot of fun! And have also been doing time exposures of Milky Way etc... with my Canon SL2 mounted on a tripod. But have to crank up the ZWO CCD camera sooner than later.
clear skies!
clear skies!