Cygnus Region Widefield

Cygnus Region Widefield 4 months ago 448 views4101×273816.3 MB

Cygnus Region Widefield
mlewis 2 months ago
Lovely image, really looks fantastic, and that wide FOV is breathtaking. Assuming this also supports WIFD focuser and full frame image circle, like existing Redcat 51 III?

Yungshih Lee 2 months ago
Hi, Thanks for the comment. Really appreciate it.

The scope does have WIFD, but I believe it's optimized for APS-C sensor. I have not tried it with a full frame camera but I think it would be pushing it. Otherwise, it's a very nice scope.
mlewis 2 months ago
Ok good to know thanks.

I  would be wanting to use it with a 2600 Duo, which has an APS-C main sensor but requires close to a full frame image circle to accommodate the guide sensor. That works ok with the standard Redcat from what I have read. So the mini version could still work if it has some star shape issues in corners but cannot be fully vignetted out there.
Yungshih Lee 2 months ago
I used it with 2600 DUO without any issues. For guiding, the image quality does not matter and the large aperture gives plenty of light even with 5nm narrowband filters. I should add that the stars do show some noticeable coma at the edges. It's fixable with BlurXTerminator as shown in my images. It can be an issue for those who do not use PixInsight and BlurXTerminato. As for vignetting, I never think it's much of a problem. It's easily fixed by taking flats and processing.