
NGC 7667 (Subaru HSC-SSP)

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NGC 7667 is a SB C, HII Galaxy with 1.6 arcmin of apparent size, according to SIMBAD data. The only image I've seen before is the SDSS one, which has lower resolution and is less deep. This image comes from a cutout of the Subaru Strategic Survey, that uses the 8.2 Subaru telescope with a giant CCD array (Hyper Suprime-Cam). The color composite uses the sdss-i, sdss-r and sdss-g filters for the R, G, B channnels, respectively. Not sure how much is this data previously reduced by the survey pipeline, I've worked only with the three image set stated below.
Processed with PI, removed some artifacts with Ps.
Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Survey, Principal Investigator: Satoshi Miyazaki (NAOJ)
Data downloaded as FITS cutout from hscMap tool, Deep-UltraDeep (dud) survey. Filenames:
- cutout-HSC-G-9463-pdr2_dud-200927-174434.fits
- cutout-HSC-I-9463-pdr2_dud-200927-174407.fits
- cutout-HSC-R-9463-pdr2_dud-200927-174417.fits
8.2 m Subaru telescope & Hyper Suprime-Cam
0.168 arcsec/pixel, 15 um/pixel, estimated focal length ~18400mm
Capture data is not stored in the FITS metadata.
Processed with PI, removed some artifacts with Ps.
Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Survey, Principal Investigator: Satoshi Miyazaki (NAOJ)
Data downloaded as FITS cutout from hscMap tool, Deep-UltraDeep (dud) survey. Filenames:
- cutout-HSC-G-9463-pdr2_dud-200927-174434.fits
- cutout-HSC-I-9463-pdr2_dud-200927-174407.fits
- cutout-HSC-R-9463-pdr2_dud-200927-174417.fits
8.2 m Subaru telescope & Hyper Suprime-Cam
0.168 arcsec/pixel, 15 um/pixel, estimated focal length ~18400mm
Capture data is not stored in the FITS metadata.
Revision: Original
Published Dec 7, 2020, 11:44:13 AM
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