Sunset from Backyard

Sunset from Backyard Jun 23, 2020 275 views7958×394211.67 MB

Sunset from Backyard
Gary Imm Jun 23, 2020
Very neat, John!  Looks like you live in a beautiful place.
John Travis Jun 23, 2020
Thanks, Gary! Huntsville is surrounded by some beautiful small mountains and valleys. Where I live is in a valley and to the east of me is Green mountain which happens to obstruct my view of the horizon up to about 35 degrees. LOL! It's a strong arm's, stone's throw, from my backyard.  I need to post a panoramic someday of the area from my drones perspective. It's actually very beautiful 😊.
Uwe Deutermann Jun 23, 2020
Beautiful John, and a nice toy! I see that you desperately wait for clear skies, wish that you would get some soon. I am actually a bit surprised, I would have thought that Huntsville would be a good place for clear skies, not like Arizona or the guy's location that wrote just before me (Gary ... LOLOL), but still! At least you have another "toy" to make you feel better, nice!
Will pass you a new message soon summarizing the experience with the MyT and other stuff so far, I am absolute delighted about it!
John Travis Jun 23, 2020
Thanks, Uwe! I gotta say I am really enjoying my EVO 2! The views from 400ft. are simply amazing! Like I mentioned to Gary I will have to work on a panoramic of my surrounding area.  The rolling hills and mountains are spectacular to see from a birds-eye view 😊. 

Yeah, clear skies are very hit and miss here! More miss it seems! LOL! A lot of times it will be clear with thin clouds that roll in just enough to ruin an image. Sometimes, I chunk a good bit of frames because of this. It's always a matter of waiting it out patiently though. LOL! In fact, my astronomy weather forecast says clouds every night until Monday and that's as far out as the forecast goes. So, wait I will! 

Glad to hear that the MyT is performing well for you! It's always a joy to have equipment that works and or exceeds your expectations! It certainly makes for less stress. LOL! Looking forward to reading about your experience! The SkyX paired with the MyT is certainly a great package 😎.

Clear skies and stay well!
Uwe Deutermann Jun 23, 2020
I surely miss your mountains / rolling hills, I love them so much more than this flat business here in Florida. A drone here would be just boring 😴. And the forecast here looks the same ... rain every day. But I do have several sets of images to work on, at least that!
John Travis Jun 24, 2020
LOL! I miss the beaches and the ocean😊!  I lived in Winter Park for a couple of years while attending college there. I guess a change of scenery is always good though. That is the one thing about Florida though, it's mostly flat like a pancake. LOL! But, I do really enjoy the surrounding mountains and rolling hills here, especially in fall when the leaves change 😊. 

Let's hope our weather pattern changes soon! Glad you have some data to work on. I guess I could make some calibration frames. For M16 and M92 I have in the works.  I hope our skies clear soon! It seems we are getting a lot of practice at being patient! I think that's a reoccurring theme in astrophotography! LOL!