Jupiter with 3 moons and Saturn 12/11/2020

Jupiter with 3 moons and Saturn 12/11/2020 Dec 11, 2020 254 views5184×34563.6 MB

Jupiter with 3 moons and Saturn 12/11/2020
Michael Feigenbaum Dec 11, 2020
Closer and closer, great image Van!
Van H. McComas Dec 11, 2020
I took one last night but it was like looking through weak soup, tonight was better but they are getting close to the tree tops, I may have to change location and I will have to move if I want to get the image on the 21st.

Thanks Michael for the comment.
AC1000 Dec 11, 2020
Another excellent image of the planets, Van, well done! Here is bad weather so please keep them coming if possible.
Cs Harald
Van H. McComas Dec 12, 2020
Thanks Harald, I might get one in Saturday if the weather holds off some but then it's five days of clouds and rain.

Maybe by then your sky will be clear!
Niall MacNeill Dec 12, 2020
Great stuff Van. You will be able to make a movie with this comprehensive record of their approach.
CS Niall
Van H. McComas Dec 12, 2020
Thanks Niall but each night out I have to change positions due to the trees. I need to learn enough on Photoshop to layer the planets over to show their moving. This has been a fun project and I think tonight will be the last image for a while. 
RonAdams Dec 12, 2020
Awesome image Van.  Congratulations.
Van H. McComas Dec 12, 2020
Thanks Ron, a fun project and I have been lucky with the weather and the view. 
Kurt Zeppetello Dec 12, 2020
Well done Van! - Cheers Kurt
Steve Lantz Dec 12, 2020
Once again, a very nice image in the series!  And three of the Jovian moons are captured with great resolution.  I am so glad that the skies stayed clear for this shot.  Hopefully, you can get more images prior to and including the conjunction.  This is where wide field shots really shine!

Steve : )
Van H. McComas Dec 12, 2020
Thanks Steve. I may get one shot tonight early before the weather comes in for the next few days. Hopefully someone else can take the baton and keep this going. I hope to get at least two more images before the 21st or better yet on or after the 21st.

Now it's your turn. 
Steve Lantz Dec 12, 2020
Well it's light snow and clouds here, darn it.  If we both get shut out by weather I will not be happy!  Let's invent a clear skies magic dance ...

Steve  : )
Van H. McComas Dec 12, 2020
My Clear Sky Chart says I have tonight and Sunday night but the humidly will be high so my images may not be post worthy but I am never out of the fight and I will give it another try.

You might have to give me a lesson on overlaying images to make one, I will Google it if I ever get the time. 
Steve Lantz Dec 12, 2020
That would be a fun project!  It's pretty easy to make a GIF animation, but the trick will be to get everything to the same scale and orientation for the separate frames of the animation.  I will think about what steps will be necessary.  There may be a demo video coming up!

Steve : )
Tam Rich Dec 12, 2020
Not long now Van! For the big event. Thanks for sharing as we have fog here in York.
Van H. McComas Dec 12, 2020
Maybe tonight then clouds and rain for a few days, maybe I will get a few more in before the big event. Thanks
Scott Homstead Dec 12, 2020
I'm ready to go, weather permitting.